*********** MedicalCosts.nns is a NeuNet Pro Sample File ***********

This file contains special properties that allow NeuNet Pro to recognize it
as authorized NeuNet sample data.  Anyone using the unlicensed version
of NeuNet Pro is welcome to experiment with this sample data.
Please do not modify this file, or it will lose its status as authorized sample data.

For further information about Neunet Pro and additional sample data,
please visit the NeuNet Pro website at http://www.cormactech.com/neunet

All of this data has been donated by a user of NeuNet Pro.
CorMac Technologies Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of the data.
This data is intended solely for experimental purposes.

    ***************  More about the MedicalCosts *******************

This database contains 29 fields of information for 436 medical cases.

[Case_ID] A unique counter, Primary Key Field.
[Phys1_Days] Number of days Physician #1 was assigned to this case.
[Phys2_Days] Number of days Physician #2 was assigned to this case.
[Phys3_Days] Number of days Physician #3 was assigned to this case.
[Phys4_Days] Number of days Physician #4 was assigned to this case.
[Phys5_Days] Number of days Physician #5 was assigned to this case.
[Phys6_Days] Number of days Physician #6 was assigned to this case.
[Charge]    A dollar amount
[Payment]   A dollar amount
[NetRev]    A dollar amount
[DeptCost]  A dollar amount
[DirCost]   A dollar amount
[Overhead]  A dollar amount
[Margin]    A dollar amount
[FullCost]  A dollar amount
[epi_num]   Case identifier
[Date_In]	Date patient admitted
[Date_Out]	Date patient discharged
[Days]      Length of patient stay

This database provides interesting possibilities for data mining
and for data modelling.